Your training will be individual
unless you want to come together to form a group (3 max)
Our goal is to transmit knowledge and passion in the atmosphere of the workshop.
meals and hotels are not included


Training and internship € 50 per half-day



The restoration of your pieces is one of our activities, including the resumption of patina and reconstruction of missing parts



Sur devis en fonction de temps passé


Intervention in your premises
Schools, hospitals, cultural center, ...
Whether in the context of an event or activity in your associations
we just go from 1 to 3 days in your premises to conduct a presentation, training or an event, for example by performing a work.


price 300 € / day plus travel expenses



Enjoy our very special cooking
no longer fear for your original firing room full
more than one cubic meter


four complete 200 €
cost based on the volume from 25 €




We use a special clay without chamotte particularly suited to modeling, non-frost
We shall achieve for our needs.


A recovered on the spot by 20 KG 1 € / kg



Vous connaissez l'Atelier en tant que structure fabricant , restaurant ou créant des sculptures en terre cuite mais l'Atelier c'est une Association loi 1901, ASLR, ayant comme mission la  sauvegarde d'un outil de travail et d'un savoir faire

C'est avec plaisir que nous vous accueillerons dans ASLR  pour nous permettre , ensemble, de poursuivre notre action de sauvegarde et de promotion de l'estampage.

You know the workshop as a structure manufacturer, restoring or creating sculptures in clay but the workshop is an Association Act 1901, ASLR, whose mission is preserving a working tool and a knowledge

It is with pleasure that we welcome in ASLR to enable us together to continue our efforts to safeguard and promote stamping.